A chromosome-anchored genome assembly for Lake Trout (Salvelinus namaycush)
Oceans and human health—navigating changes on Canada’s coasts
FISHES project update for Taloyoak

Walleye in the Light on the Water
A genomic and phenotypic evaluation of walleye along the Waswanipi river

A tweenty-year assessment of Mistassini Lake spawing walleye body size

The Importance of Fish for The Cree Nation of Mistissini

Population status, life history and conservation of Mistassini, Albanel and Waconichi Lake brook trout and walleye populations


'Many Fish' (A rap parody of 50 Cent's 'Many Men' about fish)

Wishes for FISHES - rap of fish research across Eeyou Istchee

In Da Lake - Rappin' fo brook trout

Population monitoring of fishes: some types of data and recommendations

Livin' in brook trout paradise FISHES

Fish sampling training video

Assessing genomic signals of selection to predict fish stock vulnerability to climate change.

FISHES introduction

Great Bear Lake long-term monitoring program: Sampling Lake Trout, Lake Whitefish, and Cisco

FISHES - Population genomics of Ungava Atlantic salmon

FISHES- Population genomic of Lake Whitefish in Great Slave Lake by Phillipe Henault

FISHES - Lake Trout, Brook Trout, and Walleye projects in Mistassini Lake, presented by Kia Marin.

Linking Arctic Char fisheries, food security, and health, to changing marine food webs in the Arctic

FISHES - Lake Trout and Walleye - Lake Mistassini and Great Bear Lake